File Formats

JPEG is format that you can’t edit your photos, its used for personal use, social media, albums and small prints, they’re not used for large prints.

TIFF is a format that can be used to edit your pictures at high quality but takes up a lot of storage and also takes a long time to upload due to the size of the file.

RAW is a format that is your best option if you want a really good quality file from your camera but it requires many memory cards. You also need some knowledge on this file format.

DNG is a format that is an option you want to choose if you want to keep pictures for a very long time, with RAW format, you cannot access your pictures because of the very specific manufacture it was built for.

PNG is a format was designed in the 90s as an improvement on the GIF file format, it doesn’t make big file sizes which means it uploads a lot quicker, but the quality isn’t good enough to print the photo in any size.

GIF is a format that you can make an animation on but only containing a maximum of 256 colors making it not so good of an option for photos but rather for images with a limited palette.

BMP is a format that is a high quality digital file, which is good for print but not for the web but it’s a large file which also means needing more storage.

PSD is a format that gives you the ability to manipulate any image extensively on separate layers and once the image is ready you can re-save it as another file format but once all the layers are merged you cannot undo anything on it.

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